A Brief Introduction to Algorithmic Trading: Using Algorithms for Trading Activities

Algorithmic Trading is a revolution for traders. How? There is a significant increase in the data and trading volumes that complicate trading processes. Algorithmic Trading combines statistics, algorithms, financial concepts, data, machine learning, etc. to execute trading activities. It is an innovative concept that uses algorithms to create models for automation. As a result, traders are leveraging Algo Trading to manage and monitor trading workflows and strategies.

This article discusses:

  • What is Algorithmic Trading?
  • How does Algo Trading Work?
  • Who uses Algorithms in Trading Activities?
  • What is the Importance of Algorithmic Trading?
  • What are the most frequently used Algorithmic Trading Strategies? 
  • Advantages of Algorithmic Trading Strategies
  • The Future of Algorithmic Trading

What is Algorithmic Trading?

Algorithmic Trading refers to the use of algorithms to develop and implement trading strategies. The algorithms are computer programs that define a set of instructions to place trades. It helps procure desired results by performing trading activities at a higher speed and frequency. 

Algo Trading helps develop mathematical models using time, price, quantity, market dynamics, etc. as indicators. It offers a more systematic approach by mitigating emotions during trading activities. 

How does Algo Trading Work?

Algorithmic Trading uses mathematical models that require high volumes of data and a robust infrastructure to implement functions. It is pivotal to integrate solutions that comprehend trading programs. Moreover, it requires fundamental and market sentiment data to analyse trends and implement suitable strategies. 

Further, rule-based strategies are configured with the solutions to run trading functions. The algorithms monitor and track the activities to ensure that the requirements are met. Therefore, it helps automate trading activities and analyse the outcome of strategies. The algorithms also train models to assess risks and exit trades during unfavourable market conditions.

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Who Uses Algorithms in Trading Activities?

Traders often seek innovations and solutions to simplify trading activities. They also leverage algorithms to trade in multiple markets and analyse various parameters. Hence, Algo Trading is used by: 

  • Mid-to Long-Term Investors: Also known as buy-side firms use algo trading to buy assets in huge volumes. The investors avoid influencing the market yet make covert investments.
  • Short-Term Traders: Often termed as sell-side contributors are market makers, speculators and arbitrageurs. That is to say, they leverage automation to implement trades and procure optimum results. 
  • Systematic Traders: Systematic Traders study trends and market indicators to gain better trading insights. They often develop strategies that are trained to follow trading rules and implement the functions.

What is the Importance of Algorithmic Trading?

A report by Coherent Market Insights states, “Global algorithmic trading market was valued at US$ 10,346.6 Mn in 2018 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.7% over the forecast period to reach US$ 25,257.0 Mn in 2027.” 

The market for Algo Trading as seen is rapidly increasing and playing an important role for traders because:

  • It helps make fact-based decisions due to its extensive use of mathematical models in developing strategies.
  • It helps obtain optimum results by calculating and analysing trade orders rapidly and accurately. Moreover, it mitigates the use of emotions and other biases by using data to make fact-based decisions.
  • It studies various market indicators and conditions that affect trading strategies. Hence, it continuously monitors and tracks trading activities in case of any market changes. 
  • Algorithms are computer programs that execute various commands and instructions. In trading, it helps limit manual errors that may occur due to multiple factors. Therefore, it relies on historical and real-time data to develop and implement strategies.
  • Algo Trading also reduces errors and problems that may lead to risks. As a result, it mitigates emotional and psychological biases that often influence decisions in trading.
  • It implements trading activities at a higher speed and simplifies multiple processes to timely execute functions.
  • It also makes the decision-making process easier by using high-frequency systems that solve complex mathematical problems.

What are the Most frequently Used Algorithmic Trading Strategies?

Innovations and advancements have equipped traders with various Algo trading strategies. Here are some of the most common Algo Trading strategies:

Trend-Following Strategy

Market trends and changing factors often influence financial markets. Market indicators like price & cost changes, moving averages, channel eruptions, and technical factors often affect trend-following strategy.

Moreover, a trend-following strategy is easy to execute as it does not predict or anticipate future prices. It performs trading activities by learning about the current market scenario and trends. Therefore, the algorithms train models to gain real-time market insights. It reduces complexities by not using convoluted predictive analysis.


A strategy where traders purchase stocks at a lower price and simultaneously sell them at a higher price to benefit from the difference is known as arbitrage. It helps traders procure maximum outcomes from the dynamic nature of price changes due to market developments.

The ephemeral fluctuations in market conditions affect the price and value of stocks. As a result, algorithms help detect patterns and simulate conditions to train and develop models for trading activities. Therefore, the arbitrage strategy helps traders gain desired results by leveraging the opportunities due to market fluctuations that impact prices.

Index-Fund Rebalancing

Index-Fund refers to a type of mutual or exchange-traded fund that gains results due to the market index. Index funds identify rebalancing intermissions to direct funds back to their respective indices. As a result, this offers traders insight into the expected asset activity. Hence, they leverage the opportunity to gain optimum results.

Quantitative Trading Strategies

Quantitative Trading Strategies use quantitative analytics and statistics to determine price changes and asset values. It systematizes models to evaluate insights based on mathematical and statistical methods using data. 

The delta-neutral trading strategy is a suitable example as it uses a mathematical model and includes the complete delta. Here a delta refers to the ratio that compares asset prices and values with a parallel price change that may occur due to various factors.

Mean Reversion Strategy

While studying statistics, you may have come across the term “regression toward the mean”. The mean reversion strategy may imply a similar technique during trading activities. That is to say, a stock price may reach extreme values due to market factors and will revert to the original value in a specific interval. Hence, traders often leverage this strategy to determine patterns and develop models to procure maximum returns. 

Advantages of Algorithmic Trading Strategies

 The most critical advantages of Algo Trading are:

  • Increased Speed: Traders often benefit from the high-speed trade offered in algo trading. It evaluates multiple parameters across markets and determines indicators. Moreover, the algorithms process and analyze large data volumes within seconds to offer actionable insights. Hence, it helps traders identify patterns that may influence the market.
  • High Accuracy: Algorithmic trading works on fact-based data that offer insights to help with decision-making. It processes data without human intervention and uses mathematical models to draw patterns. As a result, it avoids manual errors and offers accurate results. It also helps evaluate the performance of a strategy by using backtesting and avoiding risks.
  • Multiple Trading Activities: Algo Trading is built on the concept of automating trading activities by using models trained and developed by algorithms. Traders combine technical analysis and set parameters to execute trading strategies. Therefore, it helps perform trading activities across multiple markets and procure desired results. Further, traders can use pre-determined strategies to analyze and evaluate trends to execute trading activities. It also monitors and tracks trading activities in multiple markets.
  • Reduced Transaction Costs: The use of technology helps reduce costs as it offers solutions to multiple bottlenecks. Algo trading automates and manages various processes by using AI and ML-based solutions. Traders are only required to develop algorithms that train and develop models that execute multiple trading functions. As a result, it helps save money, time, and effort.
  • Reduce Market Impact: Financial markets are often dynamic. For instance, a large trade may influence the market condition. Algo trading can help traders identify patterns and execute strategies that are more suitable. It also helps reduce transactions if the environment is unfeasible. 

The Future of Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic trading opens up multiple avenues for traders. It also helps create opportunities to procure maximum returns on trading activities. Further, the use of algorithms offers a more systematic approach to trading and mitigates biases that affect trades. It also offers efficiency, automation, and accuracy to perform trading activities. 

Algorithmic Trading just like any other technology is also evolving. The use of AI, Machine Learning, NLP, cloud, etc. makes it more accessible. Traders are also developing newer strategies and models to evolve Algo Trading. 

Further, the technological advancements in financial markets also create opportunities for algo trading to develop. Traders also need to continuously learn and adapt to the ever-changing environment and develop necessary skill sets. It is also pivotal to build their knowledge base on the different technologies and factors that influence trading. An advanced Algorithmic Trading Course broadens horizons to become a successful algo trader.