Write for Us

Dear visitor,

Are you interested in “Write for Us” We are always excited to welcome a new author, writer, influencer, and content creator to our community?

Write for Us Finance & Investment Blog/Website

If you have some burning ideas that you think can be beneficial for the finance, business, banking & investment community and make a valuable addition to it, we would love to hear from you. You can ‘Write for Us’ if you can produce high-quality content.

If you want to write on any kind of topic related to money, business, banking, insurance, financial education & finance, just send us a complete draft we will present it to the readers through richbrite.com (a financial portal/website/blog).

It’s our honest advice, if you are writing for us or going to write for us (richbrite.com), we want to make sure your article is the best piece of information that can add value.

If the article or piece of information you want to “Write for Us” or submit to publish, check it multiple times to make sure it’s the best content and really stands out from the crowd.

Researching and writing a great piece of information is rewarding. Many people read your work/creation and you will learn something new in the process of creating new content. Even if you might feel you know very well about a certain topic, you will learn something new while creating content after research.

What We’re Looking for (Write for Us)

Sometimes you may submit a raw draft, a short draft, or not relevant pitch (single paragraph, or a few lines of argument) with unnecessary things. Kindly understand that the more valuable your submission is, the better we can understand and give feedback to you. Kindly make sure you share readable content or information regarding “Write for Us” so that we can understand it better.

One thing to make sure, we only accept fresh and unique (original) content. We do not accept the article/content that is already published elsewhere including your own blog/website. Kindly do not share other works as yours for simply marketing purposes.

Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches. They make us feel really sad inside.

If you are starting to write an article or content, we suggest you check our recent article for a better understating of the way of our writing. You should check our content guidelines twice before sending any pitch or article draft. We do not entertain anything that is not relevant to us. Also make sure your submission:-

  • Has detailed information instead of just a few tips & tricks
  • Should be interesting and human-centric
  • It must be aiming for information like finance, money, business, etc.
  • There should be facts and references for the information rather than just opinions, check facts twice before submitting
  • You should follow our writing style and content guidelines about “Write for Us” completely

Important Topics Notes for “Write for Us”

We are looking for the below type of informational content.

  • Asset types
  • Banking Information
  • Bank Fixed Deposits
  • Business
  • Cash Flow
  • Credit Cards
  • Finance
  • Finance Terms
  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Institutions
  • Financial Markets
  • Financial Modeling
  • Financial Products Reviews
  • Financial Risk
  • Financial Software Tools
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Frugal Living
  • Fundamental Financial Concepts
  • Gap Financing
  • Investments
  • Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Auto Insurance
  • Liquidity
  • Market Trends
  • Money Creation
  • Money Management
  • Money Savings
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Mutual Funds
  • Pension Plan, Retirement Plans
  • Personal Finance
  • Raising Capital
  • Return on Investment
  • SIP
  • Stocks
  • Tax Planning, Income Tax
  • Trading

What We Publish (Guidelines for Content or ‘Write for Us’)

We publish articles or guides around 1000-2500+ words or more, basically depending on the nature of the subject. Articles or guides around 1500 words are considered as average content.

The writing style may be causal to advance but the content must add value, it should be well written (without grammar errors), edited, and structured with the graphics. Graphics are great to make the concept easier to understand.

After all the articles/guides should be written on the trending and best-suited information within the finance, business, banking, investment, and money domain.

As a content creator, your content must be well written, fresh, unique, and high quality. Write creative and information-rich content.

We accept only content related to our website/blog theme. Kindly do not submit the same pitch multiple times. This will not make any sense, you should not waste our and your time by doing so.

You should use graphics to make content more usable and easy to understand the concept. There is an old saying ‘One graphic or image is equal to thousand words‘.

Check your topic already published on our website/blog before sending it to us for publishing.

If you are working individually or working for a digital farm and sending the articles for the marketing purpose or sole purpose to link your pages to boost SEO, we are really not interested in it.

You can link your blog/website or social links in the author bio section. We suggest not increasing the author bio to more than just 2-3 sentences, not more than that. Also, If we found your link to be harmful (or not as per Google webmaster guidelines) for our website in the future your link will be removed without prior notice.

We have all the rights reserved to edit/delete the content to meet our publishing guidelines. If the article meets our guidelines and gets published, you cannot use it to publish elsewhere over the internet or anywhere.

Each and every piece of content published on richbrite.com may be shared on our social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

How to Submit (and What Happens Next)

You can send us an email at therichbrite@gmail.com or use the contact form. You should submit your articles as word documents, Google documents, plain text files, and HTML documents accordingly.

Once you submit your article to us, please have patience, we will review it and get back to you as soon as possible. At this time we are getting a large number of inquiries regarding “Write for Us”, there might be a delay in responding to your email.

If there are changes required, we will let you know our feedback and you need to work on the feedback so that it is easy for us to publish it on richbrite.com.

We cannot promise a specific date or time for the content publication. Getting published articles must be as per our content guidelines.

Thanks for visiting!