6 Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps

Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used today in a variety of industries – from entertainment and advertising to business decision-making, controlling self-driving cars, and modeling complex physical processes. Today we will talk about how “machine intelligence” can be used in ordinary mobile applications.

There are hundreds of thousands of apps in the App Store and Google Play stores, and, oddly enough, most of them could become much more interesting and useful if we apply the power of artificial intelligence to them.

After all, in essence, without diving too deeply into the predictions of futurologists, modern AI is nothing more than well (or poorly) trained recognition and analysis algorithms. And their Mobile and web application development company to well-known areas can already make our lives much more comfortable.

There are already real examples of the use of new technologies, not only in narrow industries but also in applications accessible to any user.

Example 1. Vivino offers smart wine data search based on its label. The app finds results from within its own social network of professional sommeliers to show the user a knowledgeable review of the drink. As a result, by taking one photo, you immediately receive a rating, characteristics, people’s opinions, reviews, and prices.

Example 2. A number of technologies for using artificial intelligence can be implemented similarly. For example, a carefully trained CV (Computer Vision) will help you find the same jeans, dress, glasses, or, for example, handbag online that you just saw on a person on the street. The method is called Street Search – just take one photo and ready-made offers with prices will be on the screen of your smartphone.

Example 3. “Voice assistants” are actively working in the Google and Yandex search engines, and have been used by Apple and Amazon for many years. Today, they can not only recognize spoken words but also find the song you’re interested in in their music archives. The opportunity to listen to and download the music you like is very nice. But you can go further: teach algorithms to recognize characteristic places by sounds and recognize people by their voices.

Example 4. A huge layer of opportunities opens up with the use of artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry. Social network users love the ability to create filters and apply masks to photos. Just look at the Icon8 chatbot, which in the recent past has won the recognition of millions of users due to its ability to apply art filters in a matter of seconds and turn any photo into a painting. The popularity of other services, such as Apple’s FaceID function with support for animoji—superimposing the user’s facial expressions onto funny characters—also indicates great prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in the development of this area.

Example 5. New “machine capabilities” will be useful not only for private users. For example, artificial intelligence technologies can help businesses solve everyday routine problems. For example, a seller can simply photograph or videotape shelves with goods in a specially developed application, which will immediately transmit information about the quantity and availability of goods to the warehouse, creating tasks for the purchase of relevant items. To do this, it is not even necessary to equip the store with high-resolution cameras – it is enough to use standard smartphones.

Example 6. Using AI together with video surveillance systems will allow you to control, for example, the movement of traffic through a checkpoint or track the activity of customers in a supermarket. Supervisors will be able to receive real-time information about how many people are in which department, along with recommendations for optimizing staff performance. However, staff can also receive automatic commands and notifications on their mobile devices.

Technologies are already ready

In fact, there are a lot of machine learning technologies on the market, but most of them are specialized and created individually for a specific project. This has been a limiting factor for a long time – where can a regular online store find the funds to develop its recommendation system using AI? But there is already an answer to such a question, and it lies in the area of ​​blockchain technologies.

It is blockchain projects in the field of AI that in the future can provide inexpensive access to collectively accumulated information. Even IBM Watson artificial intelligence allows you to make queries through an open interface – although only with the appropriate license. But, in addition to the long-known initiatives for the development of AI on the part of Google, Microsoft, and other giants, several startups are already actively working on the market, successfully developing solutions in the field of AI.

For example, scientists at the University of Michigan are working on algorithms for an “artificial forensic scientist” that would independently take fingerprints at a crime scene and determine which ones have value.

The CognitiveScale startup strives to provide secure storage of financial results for further analysis. BigchainDB is working on technology to support the Interplanetary Database (IPDB), which could become the basis for a “decentralized world computer” and allow everyone to use accumulated and classified data sets to train AI.

Another startup, Dbrain, is developing the direction of mobile applications with artificial intelligence functions. The company launched its own blockchain platform for the collective “education” of artificial intelligence; in fact, the mobile application only needs to access the platform via the API and transfer data for analysis. The blockchain network allows for decentralized data marking for further training and constant improvement of the accuracy of the “machine mind”.


The abundance of startups working on new models for creating accessible AI suggests that we are on the threshold of a new era when artificial intelligence can be obtained as an additional service.

If such projects receive active web app development company, examples of the use of artificial intelligence in everyday life will become widespread.

After all, the main thing for introducing a new technology is its accessibility and effectiveness, and modern blockchain technologies, which have already disrupted the financial world we are used to with the advent of cryptocurrencies, have good potential for transforming the mobile services market.