6 Important Things Every Ecommerce Landing Page Need

Landing pages are designed to convince e-Commerce website visitors to checkout with the few needed items.

They are used for link building campaigns and marketing purposes as well.

However, they can even lead to conversion levels by bounds or leaps when they are designed well. Even after such great importance, e-commerce lending pages are highly neglected.

These pages can push sales-forward and are very important in eCommerce web development, but the business owners are not well aware of designing the right page or the value offered.

Ecommerce Landing Page Necessities

1. Customer Testimonials

To attain a better impression on your customers, offer social proof. The customers who are satisfied share their own experience virtually and, on the other hand, convinces others to try their own.

According to research, about 80 percent of customers seek advice from their acquaintances or strangers before buying a product. The reviews of customers decided whether a new customer will buy a product or not. Making the testimonial on the landing pages will be perfectly suited for higher engagement.

2. Transparent Navigation

As several businesses are aware that navigation plays the most significant role in the conversion process. It is one of the most important eCommerce landing page necessities.

One of the practical components of attracting sales is giving up less amount of possible resistance. If your navigation requires several steps or is challenging to find, it would interfere with the customers’ ability to act.

According to the survey, it doesn’t take much time for a customer from the landing pages to the desired destination. All it requires is three simple clicks, and a customer is done. Several developers are fond of eliminating the sophisticated navigation bar from the landing pages themselves.

This is because the only button that can be clicked are CTA buttons that decide the customer’s whole journey, i.e., from a particular page to the final destination. This particular aspect is a kind of simple navigation, reduces time, and generates leads even faster.

3. Obvious CTAs

The biggest mistake that landing page developers make is not being able to give consumers direction. They are offered a page containing text, videos, and information about a particular service or product. Then they are even told not to do with it. Perhaps, the call to action is too recognizable or too small to generate conversions.

The CTAs have to be compelling as well as obvious. Generate a sense of urgency in your content to play on the customer’s impulse emotions. Make the use of bright images and colors so that your CTA looks fantastic and exceptional.

4. Clear Branding

As per the direct marketing news research, about two-thirds of total customers accept that their spending has been influenced most by brand consistency. Even larger than third accepts that they would like to spend more to identify or recognize a consistent brand.

Branding is never as important as a landing page. A landing page helps to develop an opportunity, which helps uplift your branding and even form a permanent picture in the minds of the targeted audience.

Make use of colors, page structure, logo, typography, image placement, URLs, and other factors that help form a consistent brand image.

A solo well-structured CTA might not be enough. On the other hand, every landing page must match your brand and be positive enough to move customers to action and establish authority.

5. Sales Funnel Structure

All the landing pages are required to consider the sales funnel structure on a particular form or the other. The landing page is perceived as less in the funnel. The reason behind this is getting the customer or the consumer closer to making final sales. Usually, when customers interact with the landing page, they might decide to purchase a particular product.

You might be operating an abandoned cart campaign to achieve a full or completed checkout at this stage. You will also love to include related products, bundles, or upsells to ramp up the amount of revenue while checking out. Please make use of simple navigation or CTAs to ramp up the return sales and their purchases.

6. Mobile-Friendly Design of eCommerce Web Development

A particular website must be mobile responsive and an important aspect to consider while designing one. On the other hand, this even doesn’t highlight that each page on your website is convenient or easy to use and acts accordingly when considering a smaller screen.

There is a specific structure that has to be considered for using websites on mobile usage. It highlights a linear pattern, making it easy to scroll and collect such buttons or information that customers need. When we click on the CTA, logically, it must take them to the next page, which is mobile-friendly, and ultimately it doesn’t even interrupt or doesn’t prevent a sale from happening.

Final Words

In a nutshell, some components can lead to a more compelling or more robust eCommerce web development. When someone is looking for higher conversions and spreads awareness of the brand for a particular e-commerce site, use all the tips shared above, and get success in return.